
Articles Posted in Child Custody


Court Fashions New Guidelines For Deciding Disputes Over A Child’s Preschool Choices in New Jersey

A recently published case establishes new rules for resolving preschool disputes between divorced parents. The court recognized that this particular issue had never been addressed before. An ordinary dispute between divorced parents can sometimes land you in an unexplored area of New Jersey law. It is important to hire a…


New Jersey Law Tries To Address Grandparent Visitation Disputes

When grandparents are denied an opportunity to visit their grandchildren, a conflict is bound to arise. On one hand, a parent has a right to decide how his or her child will be raised. On the other hand, removing a grandparent from a child’s life could potentially harm the child. In…


Recent Case Shows Divorced Parents Are Not Always Responsible For Paying Their Child’s College Tuition

A recently published New Jersey case held that a divorced parent is not always liable for a child’s college education. This case involved complex facts, and a number of criteria were considered in addition to the parent/child relationship. Divorce cases can be complex, especially when there are children involved in…


Determining Custody After a Domestic Violence Trial in Which a Final Restraining Order is Entered in New Jersey

Many people in the midst of a divorce or imminent divorce proceeding  find themselves involved in a situation involving domestic violence with their spouse.  If you are granted a restraining order in New Jersey, you may wonder how that might effect the issue of custody in your divorce.  Or, if…

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